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How to Add Custom Field

Before adding a custom field, it’s essential to understand how the WC Key Manager custom fields work. For a detailed explanation, check out the Custom Field Overview.

custom field

Follow these simple steps to add a custom field in WC Key Manager: 

  1. Navigate to Key Manager > Settings > Custom Field
  2. Click on the ‘Add Field’ button
2. add a custom field
  1. Choose the desired field type from the drop-down menu (e.g., Text, Number, URL, Email, Tel).                                                      
3. custom field dropdown menu
  1. Next, in the ‘Name’ field, specify the name of the custom field, which will be stored internally in the database.
  2. Enter the label in the ‘Label’ field. This name will appear on key-related pages.
  3. Enter the placeholder text that will be displayed inside the custom field.
  4. Choose one or both of the following attributes for your custom field:
    • Required – Check this box if you want to make this custom field mandatory for customers.
    • Public – Check this box to make the custom field value visible on the order details or key details page.
4. required & public
  1. Finally, Click ‘Save Changes’ to apply your settings.

To remove or delete a custom field, click the cross button on the right side and then click ‘Save Changes’ to finalize your edits.

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