If you, want you can change the automatic key setting. To do this, you need to navigate to Key Manager > Settings > Advanced

First of all, you can create a pattern for # that generates random characters and other placeholders such as:
{id} – Product ID
{sku} – Product SKU
{Y} – Year
{m} – Month
{d} – Day
{H} – Hour
{i} – Minute
{s} – Second
You can use these based on your needs.
Now, look at the Charset. Here, you will find the characters. You can also set your own characters. The “#” within the key pattern will be replaced with the following characters.
Now you see that Valid For(Days) – Expiration relative to the purchase date in days. Leave blank for no expiration. and Activation Limit– Specify the maximum number of activations allowed for the key. Leave blank for unlimited activations.
This setting is used if you generate bulk keys without selecting your custom generator rules. It will work as the default generator rules.
Now click the Save Change button.